Saturday, January 11, 2014

Dear Family,
Clarence mopes in his pack 'n play. He's eating a cracker. He's wearing a bib with a sailboat. He's been so sick and still has a nasty cough. All he wants to do is wiggle and squirm and stand up. When he awakens in the middle of the night I now find him standing in his crib, hands on the bars, and crying like a poor little convict man. It's much more pitiful.
  We at last took down the Christmas tree. It was the prettiest tree I've ever had! It was so green and simple. Now the house looks bare without our decorations. I'll have to come up with other ways to decorate now.
Today I went to a bunch of thrift stores with my-friend-Cara. She is great. We just mosied around and chit-chatted. It was wonderful to spend time with a friend and get out of the house after a long week. Clarence hasn't been napping in the afternoons, so I thought I might as well be out and about. He sang at the top of his little lungs the whole way home.  It appears that he is out for the night! WOOHOO.
Well, I always think of great things to tell you and then forget once I'm about to post. Good day.
  Please write on this blog! I would love to hear from you guys. I pray that you are well.

PS. We've been playing the peekaboo game with Clarence! He'll crawl back and forth and pull the blanket off our heads. This kid is learning like crazy. :) :)

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Three Quick Things I Think You Should Hear:

1. Last night I bewailed to Aaron the fact that I won't be able to text Momma at random times. I was expecting a sympathetic "Aww, yeah, that'll be sad." Instead, in typical man fashion, Aaron thought for a second, then came up with a way to fix the problem. He said I could just text to Mom's email. Pretty smart.

2. Clarence is currently TAKING A NAP. WOOHOO. This is a triumph. We were out all day yesterday and he had barely any naps, so last night was a struggle. A happy momma is a momma's whose baby is napping well. ALSO, Clarence has been pulling himself up! If you sit him down in front of you, he'll grab your hands  and pull himself up and grin from little ear to little ear.


Monday, August 5, 2013

Semi-random Post Titles?

O! Bludgibbons.

Dear Folks,
I've taken the liberty of recreating the BLOG. What d'you think? Comments and/or questions are appreciated. It's good to keep in touch as Kez was saying.

Let's Stay in Touch

Dear Familia,
I'm tired of having no  contact with you people. Now that you are home from vacay I suppose that it will be easier to talk on the phone and stuff like that, but I have found that you James men stink at calling me. So, You should write to me here.
First, I want everyone to answer the following questions:

1. What was your favorite part of your trip out West this time?
2. Who ate the most American cheese on your trip out West?
3. What was your favorite church service and why?
4. Tell me about Derkes' lake as if I've never been there.
5. What is the closest thing to you that is the color red?
6. What was the last question you asked?
7. Explain why you decided to wear the outfit you are currently wearing.
8. How much do you miss Kezia?
9. What was the last thing you ate?
10. Promise to write to me on this blog regularly.

Thank you,

Monday, April 8, 2013

Dear Family,
I would like to thank you in advance for the hard work you are doing for my little family in helping us move. I don't know how we'd do it without you.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Week & Weaklings

Near and dear ones,

I miss your company and your warm hearts. It has come to my attention that you are officially moving to St. Louie this coming week. I will do my best to build muscles for this strength required job. You'll have to take John as the weakling he is (in jest). I eagerly await to see my nephew, who as you know is on his way. If you have any questions about this program which I have brought to you, please email me at: or reply if you wish to.
Hugs and such,
